Thursday, December 13, 2012

Workshopping Your Excerpts

Hi Gang,
Tomorrow (Friday) we are going to doing some peer editing of our excerpts so that you can get some feedback and, hopefully, some ideas for improving your writing. In other words, your fellow classmates are going to be reading and critiquing your work. So, please bring in two printed copies of your excerpt (NOT your whole novel)

Happy Short Thursday!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Editing and Publishing

Hey Guys,
So, here are the things you need to do to complete this project:
1) Edit your whole novel using the Editing Checklist;
2) Select, edit and revise your excerpt using the Excerpt Rubric
3) Format your novel for publishing using Create Space
Remember your excerpts are due NEXT WEDNESDAY, 12/19/12

We are nearing the end of NaNoWriMo!!!! Keep up the hard work!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi Guys,
First, I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving break and enjoy spending some quality time with your friends/family. I want to remind you, once again, of the importance of working on your novels over the break. By the end of the break, when we return on Monday 11/26, you should have 85% of your novel completed. If you do not work on this assignment over the break, you are going to be VERY behind, and will be setting yourself to fail - to not reach your word count goal.

So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! keep working on your novels!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This Week...

Hi Class,
OK, only four more days to go until Thanksgiving break! With that said, we have a lot to accomplish this week.

1) Dialogue quiz tomorrow! Review your notes on dialogue or view the Dialogue Power Point to prepare for the quiz.

2) Our 2nd novel progress check will be on Friday. You need to have 50% of your novel completed by Friday.  If you're already there - keep going! The more you get done now, the more you can relax over the break.

Keep up the good work!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Progress Check - TOMORROW!

Hi Guys,
This is just a reminder that your first progress check is tomorrow. By Friday you should have completed 25% of your novel. If that seems like a lot, remember we only have a month (4 weeks) to write an entire novel!

Remember: Update your word count validator (under "Edit Novel Info")  on the NaNoWriMo website by the end of the day tomorrow, 11:59p.m. That's how I plan to check your progress and award you points. If you don't update your word count validator - you will NOT get the points!

You absolutely MUST continue your writing outside of class in order to meet your word count goal! Especially since we have so many holidays this month.

Happy Writing!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekend Reminders

A couple of reminders for you:

1) ALL pre-writing work is due on Monday!

2) Keep working on your novels - write, write write! This is a standing order throughout the month of November!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Day Two - Keep Writing!

Hello Class!
It's day two of NaNoWriMo! How are you feeling? Hopefully, you've got plenty of energy and fresh ideas ready to go : ) Please complete the following tasks listed below:

1) As you know, your first book review is due today for your first independent reading novel. Please complete the following FORM in order to submit your work. This assignment is due TODAY!

2) Your assignment for the remainder of the period is to keep working on your novel. Then, when I call time, we will copy/paste ALL of the work  into the Word Count Validator on the NaNoWriMo website. Each time you update your Word Count Validator, you must paste in all of the work you've done - NOT just the new stuff.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Hi Guys,
It's the day you have all been waiting for (or dreading) - the beginning of NaNoWriMo!
  1. Go into your Google Drive and open your document entitled "NaNoWriMo" - here is where you will write your novel.
  2. Review your Beginnings assignment from yesterday and decide on a beginning. You may also want to have your plot map available.
  3. Write, write, write!  
  4. Before you leave class, log into your NaNoWriMo account HERE and go to the tab, "Edit Novel Info." Copy and paste what you wrote in class into the box "Word Count Validator." This will keep track of how much you have written and monitor your progress toward your word count goal. It will also help me keep track of your progress - so make sure to do this every day before you log off. 
    • REMEMBER - You must write your novel in Google Docs. You will only use the Word Count Validator to track your progress - it will not save your work.

Happy Writing!!!

P.S. IMPORTANT REMINDER - All pre-writing assignments are due by Monday, 11/05!!! (That's this coming Monday!)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Hello Class!
It's time to start thinking of how you are going to begin your novel.

1) Read about the different ways that you can begin a novel in your NaNoWriMo Student Workbook on page 51.
2) Instead of completing the activity in your workbook (we've been having some technical issues with the workbooks) I have created an identical document in Google Drive. So, open your Google Drive and go into the shared folder (English 1, 2 (View Only)). There, you will find a document entitled "Beginnings." 
3) Open the document, make a copy and rename it (period lastname Beginnings);
3) Complete the assignment and share it with me (

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Signing up for NaNoWriMo!!!

Happy Tuesday!
Today we are going to set up our accounts for NaNoWriMo. Please follow the steps below to do that:

  1.  Determine a word count goal for your novel by clicking HERE to view teacher recommendations.
  2. Then, visit the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program page by clicking HERE.
  3. Select "Sign In"  in the upper right corner.
  4. VERY IMPORTANT - For your User Name, please use your period, last name and first name initial. For example, if I was a student in period 1, my user name would be 1davenportj.
  5. Complete the rest of the sign up info - make sure you select the correct grade level (high school) and Young Writer (not Educator) for the account type.
    •  Please make sure to WRITE DOWN your log-in and password info. I will NOT have access to this information and will NOT be able to help you if you forget them.
  6. Once you account has been created - go to "Edit Novel Info" and enter your word count goal. You can also enter other information about your novel.
  7. On the left hand menu, you should see "Virtual Classroom," and below that "Join a Classroom." Select "Join a Classroom," and then search for "Ms. D's Wordbusters."  When it shows up in the bottom window select it and click "Join."
  8. Finally, feel free to browse the website and enter in your own personal info under "Edit Author Info."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework Reminder

Hi Class,
Just wanted to remind you of a few things: 
1) If you are behind on the pre-writing assignments, please complete them ASAP. See the previous post for details - there were five assignments due as of last Friday.
2) If you did NOT finish the dialogue assignment in class today - please complete that tonight for homework. Remember to share it with me when you are done (
3) Your first book review for your independent reading books is due on Friday! See the sample book review and the assignment directions in the English 1, 2 (View Only) folder in your Google drive.

Happy Monday!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Catching Up

OK Guys,
We've had a lot to do this week. All of the following assignments SHOULD be completed:
1) Character Questionnaire: shared in Google Drive
2) Creating Conflict: also shared in Google Drive
3) Plot Map: pg. 28 in your NaNoWriMo Student Workbook or see me for a hard copy
4) Settings that Reinforce Characters :pg. 30 - 33 in your NaNoWriMo Student Workbook; Read the introduction and example on pg. 30 then scroll down to pg. 32. You only need to create settings for your protagonist, antagonist and at least one supporting character. The formatting of the workbook is messed up for this section, so you will probably want to just hand-write it in your notebook.

If any of these assignments are NOT completed - please work on them during class today and complete the Reviewing Plot assignment (below) for homework. Yes, HOMEWORK! You MUST have these assignments completed before you can move on!!!

If you have completed all of the above assignments, follow the directions below: 
1) Go into your Google Drive
2) Open the folder that I shared with you entitled, "English 1, 2 (View Only)
3) Open the document titled "Plot"
4) Copy and paste the contents of the document into a new Google Doc (Create - document);
5) Rename this new document: period yourlastname Plot
6) Read the directions and complete the assignment. You will want to use your plot outline to help you complete this assignment.
7) Once completed, share with me (

The Plot assignment is due on MONDAY - if you do not finish it in class it it HOMEWORK this weekend.

Have a fun weekend!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Outlining Your Plot

Hey Guys,

Remember when we discussed good/bad novels? Everyone agreed that a good novel usually has an exciting plot (or story).  Today we are going to talk about how to outline the plots of your novels.
  • We will start by reading a section of the NaNoWriMo Student Workbook entitled, "Outlining Your Plot." 
    • Click on the link above, and save the document onto your desktop or into your "My Documents" folder. 
    • Once it is saved, you should be able to type directly into the document. DO NOT upload the document into Google Drive yet.  We will be using this workbook for a number of assignments.
  • Please read pages 19 - 23 in your NaNoWriMo Workbook.Stop when you finish the section on Rising Action
  • Before you start outlining the plot of your novel - we are going to practice by outlining the plots to your class novels. Please wait for instructions from Ms. Davenport.
HOMEWORK - Begin mapping the plot of your own novel, focusing for now on the set-up, inciting incident and rising action. Complete these sections of the plot map on pg. 28 of your Student Workbook.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Reminders for the Weekend

Hey Guys,
A couple if reminders for the weekend.
1) Remember that redo's for the Short Answer portion of your Unit Test are due on Tuesday!!! I'm generously giving you one more day. Your welcome : )
2) If you did not complete your Article of the Week summary/reflection in class - it is due on Monday - NO EXCUSES!
3) I am hoping that many of you still have your class novels - if so, please bring them to class on Monday.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Creating Conflict

Hey All,
Please complete the following tasks in class today.

1) Finish your Character Questionnaires. After you are done the questionnaire in Word, you should save the information THEN drag/drop the file into your Google Drive. After you have moved the file into Google Drive, make sure to share the document with me (

2) Once you are finished with your Character Questionnaire, you will be moving on to create the main conflict in your novel. Please take the following steps to do that:
  • Take out your English notebook and review your class notes on conflict.
  • Open your Google Drive and go into the folder I shared with you, "English 1, 2 (View Only)."
  • In that folder, you will find a document entitled "Creating_Conflict."
  • To type directly on the form, you must go to “file,” then “download.” A copy should open in Microsoft Word. 
  • Save the Word document as: period lastname conflict
  • Once the document has been saved onto your desktop you should be able to type directly onto the form. 
  • Complete the questions about the conflict in your novel.
  • When you are done, hit "SAVE." Only then should you drag the file into your Google Drive and share the document with me. (
Both of these tasks need to be completed by Friday.  We will NOT be working on the computers in class tomorrow as we will be reading the Article of the Week.  SO, whatever you do not finish in class today, is HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Keep Working...

Hey Guys,
Please complete the following tasks today in class:

1) I want your Google Drive to be properly organized before we start NaNoWriMo.
  • Go back to your Google Drive
  • Create a new folder in "My Drive" entitled, English 1-2
  • Drag your NaNoWriMo document  and Character Questionnaire into this folder.
    • The NaNoWriMo document should be blank, and that's OK.
    • Please double check that you named your documents in the following way: period lastname assignment
      • For example, if I was in period one, my document would be titled 1 Davenport NaNoWriMo or 1 Davenport Questionnaire
      • PLEASE USE THIS EXACT FORMATTING - Variations like P.1 Davenport NanoWriMo or 1 J. Davenport NaNoWriMo are not acceptable. Rename your docs if necessary.
  • Remember to share both documents with me. My Gmail address is:
    • When you share PLEASE uncheck the email notification - I don't need two dozen emails jamming up my inbox : )
2)  If you started the Character Questionnaire yesterday, it should hopefully, be saved in your Google Drive or on your desktop. Open the document and continue working.

3. If you haven't started the Character Questionnaire yet, follow these directions: Go into your Google Drive and open the shared folder "English 1, 2." Inside that folder is the Character Questionnaire. Follow the directions below to download the questionnaire. Then, complete the answer the questions on the questionnaire for your protagonist, antagonist and at least one supporting character.
  •  Review the information on characters, then fill out the character questionnaires. 
  • To type directly on the form, you must go to “file,” then “download.” A copy should open in Microsoft Word.Save the document onto your desktop. Now, you should be able to type directly on the form
  • When you are done, save it into your Google Drive and share the document with me. Name the document: period lastname questionnaire.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Please complete the following tasks in class today.

1. If you still DO NOT have a Gmail account, sign up for one here.  Then, fill out this Student Data Form.

2.  Go into your Google Drive and make sure that you can see the “view only” folder that I have shared with you. If you can’t see it, I don't have your correct Gmail address; go back to task #1. If you can see the folder, read the document that is in the folder. It's an example of a book review -- you'll be writing similar reviews about your independent reading books using Goodreads. Your first book review will be due on Wednesday, October 31st.
  • If you have NOT set up a Goodreads account, please do so now. Remember to write down your password and log-on information.
3. You will now set up the document that you will be using to write your novel. Follow these steps:
  • Go back to your Google Drive
  • Create a new Google Document
  • Name it in the following way: period lastname assignment
    • For example, if I was in period one, my document would be titled 1 Davenport NaNoWriMo 
    • Make sure there is a space after the period number
  • Share the document with me:
  • Un-check the box that asks if you want to send me email notification that you've shared a document with just crams my inbox! 
  • Be sure to give me editing rights - this should already be the default selection.
4. Hopefully, you've been thinking about the novel you are going to be writing. That means you should have an idea (however vague) about a main character and possibly other supporting characters and an antagonist. Start by going into your Google Drive and opening the shared folder "English 1, 2." Inside that folder is the Character Questionnaire. Follow the directions below to download the questionnaire. Then, complete the answer the questions on the questionnaire for your protagonist, antagonist and at least one supporting character.

  •  Review the information on characters, then fill out the character questionnaires. 
  • To type directly on the form, you must go to “file,” then “download.” A copy should open in Microsoft Word.Save the document onto your desktop. Now, you should be able to type directly on the form
  • When you are done, save it into your Google Drive and share the document with me. Name the document: period lastname questionnaire.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Your Netbook is up and running, you've successfully signed in - what should you do now?  Complete the following task list in order:

1. If you DO NOT have a Gmail account, sign up for one here.  If you already have a Gmail account, proceed to number 2.

2. Fill out this Student Data Form

3. Review how to use Google Docs (including the new features of Google Drive). Make sure you know how to share a document with me!

4. Visit Goodreads and create an account.  Once you have created an account, you can select the tab "My Books" from the top menu and begin entering in books you have read and rating them. Start with you class novel! You can also add your current independent reading book to your "Currently Reading" shelf.
  •  You can add Ms. D and other students as a friends on your Goodreads account by searching for their Gmail address. For Ms. D, search for
  • Explore the website, create a profile...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our First TEST!!!

Hi Gang,
So, hopefully, you are all busy studying hard for our first test TOMORROW (Wednesday)!  What exactly should you be studying? Well, you should review all of your class notes and know all of the important terms we discussed in class such as: characterization, flat v. original characters, setting, mood, imagery, sensory detail, diction, strong v. weak verbs, connotation, internal and external conflict, protagonist, and antagonist, etc... You should be VERY familiar with your novel and able to identify the protagonists, antagonists, main conflict - whether it's internal or external - and how the conflict affects the main characters..

REMEMBER: You need to bring the following items to the exam tomorrow:

1) A pencil
2) Your class novel
3) Your current independent reading book

Also, for Friday, you need to bring in a "Model Novel." This should be a novel you have already read, enjoyed and are very familiar with. You can use your class novel if you want or bring in another novel of your choosing.

Happy Studying!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Peace Little Girl (Daisy)...

Happy Friday!
A couple of reminders for next week - bring your soft cover, orange, Interactive Reader with you to class next week, starting on Monday. Also, continue to bring your novel with you as well, even if you are finished reading it (as you all should be by now.)  If, for some reason, you did not finish reading your novel - KEEP READING!!! Please try to finish it this weekend.

On Monday, we will begin our class with a discussion of the Article of the Week, "The 30 Second Campaign." The article mentioned the first negative campaign add run by Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1964 presidential election. The add is entitled "Peace Little Girl (Daisy)." If you want to view that add (and others from the current election) you can visit the website, The Living Room Candidate.

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Open House

Hey Guys!
I am looking forward to meeting your parents tonight at Open House! Remember to text your parents your schedule and/or write it down for them so they know where to go : )

If you were absent today here is a link to the screen cast I showed on strong v. weak verbs. You will need to get the rest of the notes from me or a classmate.

Finally, the secret password for tomorrow is... OPEN HOUSE!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Details, details details...

Hello Gang!
This week we are focusing on how authors use DETAILS to enhance their writing. Today's lesson was on sensory details. If you were absent, look up and define imagery and sensory details in your literature textbook or see me tomorrow for notes. Also, you need to read the excerpt of "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" and complete the chart. Copies of those assignments can be found on the PLHS homework page.

ALSO - if you are interested in finding our what happens to the very old man with enormous wings, you can read the entire story by clicking on the PLHS homework page.

Happy Monday!

PS. Don't forget to remind your parents about open house on Thursday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy (Almost) Friday!

Hey Guys!
Guess what I am doing tonight? Grading! I am grading all of your group work that you've turned in so far. I will try to pass it back out to you the next time you meet with your novel groups.
And so, in celebration of the end of another productive week, the secret password for tomorrow is TARGET - because that's where I'm going to stock up on more candy!

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why English?

Hey Everyone,
Today in class, a student asked me, "Why do we have to do read these novels? When are we ever going to have to analyze a novel?" At the time, I have to admit that I was pretty annoyed by the question and frustrated by my inability to give a sufficient answer. I was flustered and caught off guard and so gave the standard teacher response, "Because it's part of the curriculum... Because you need a grade... Because this is what we're doing!" My failure to provide an adequate and thoughtful response has been bothering me all day. In reality, the question is more than fair - of course you would want to know why you are being forced to read, analyze and discuss novels that may be of little interest to you! Maybe I should be concerned that more of you HAVEN'T asked me this question : )  In any case, I've cleaned up the kitchen, put the baby to bed and finally have some time to sit down, think and write what I hope is a convincing argument for why English is an important and relevant part of your education.
It's true - in your professional lives after high school and (hopefully) college, the majority of you will never be called upon to analyze a work of literature. So why are we spending so much time learning these skills? The important thing is not that you are learning what characterization, setting, mood, figurative language etc. are, but that you are learning to think critically and communicate effectively. What does it mean to think critically? Thinking critically means that you have the ability to look below the surface to discover deeper meaning; you can recognize connections between people/events, causes/effects, actions/consequences; you know when to ask questions and when to be skeptical; you can form well reasoned opinions and express those opinions in an articulate way.  What does it mean to communicate effectively? An effective communicator can explain both simple and complex ideas to others; use logic and reason to make an argument; recognize his/her audience and speak appropriately; and choose his/her words purposefully.  My goal is to develop in all students the ability to think critically and to then clearly and concisely communicate an idea.  These skills are absolutely necessary for success in practically every field and profession - regardless of whether you are a mechanic, a professional athlete, a politician or a neurosurgeon.  You are going to have a very difficult time in life if you cannot think critically and communicate effectively.  We try to teach these skills by showing you examples of good writing (the novels and mentor texts), helping you improve your own communicative abilities (by working in groups, responding to questions) and giving you an opportunity to express yourselves creatively (writing your own novel).   In addition, reading works of literature not only helps to enhance your own vocabulary (thus improving your ability to effectively communicate),  but it also gives you a window into how different people live and think, and provides a model for creative expression.
If you've read this entire post - THANKS!!! I hope it helped clarify the purpose of our class.  I feel better having got all of this off my chest - I think I can finally go to sleep : ) I welcome any comments or questions you have - I'm still waiting for someone to post the first comment on my blog!
See you all bright and early tomorrow morning : ) Good night!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all having a good week so far! We had quite a few people absent the last couple of days...  So, here's what you missed:
1) Notes and discussion on Setting and Characterization - ask a friend or see Ms. D during lunch/advisory. (FYI: The notes are pretty short.)
2) We read an except from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and practiced making inferences about the characters based on the setting. Most of you already picked up the handout from me in class today - but, if not, there's a link to the documents on the homework page of the PLHS website. (Sorry I can't upload docs on this site...) PLHS Homework
3) At the end of the period today, we worked in our novel groups to make inferences about the characters in our novels based on the setting. We will be finishing this tomorrow before moving on to setting/mood.

I have had several students ask when I am going to post another secret password.... The answer is not today - but soon... Check back later this week!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where are you going? Again...

Hi All,
A student informed me that the link I provided to the full text of "Where are you going?" did not work. Not sure what happened, but here it is again... Where are you going? She also told me she had found out some interesting background on the story... Turns out that the story was inspired by a real life serial killer from the 1960's. The website states:

According to Oates, the story was inspired by a Life magazine story about the serial killer Charles Schmid, who, like the story's villain, was an older man who preyed on adolescent girls. Was Oates struck by the gruesome serial killer? Nope. What stuck with her was "the disturbing fact that a number of teenagers – from 'good' families – aided and abetted his crimes" (source). It wasn't the twisted psychology of serial killers that intrigued Oates, but the abnormal actions of "normal" teenagers who helped Schmid either carry out or conceal his murders.
  Hmmmmm... Interesting don't you think?!?! Read the story, it's REALLY good! Also, as a special Friday treat, here's another secret password: Barney. Again, in honor of my daughter and her favorite T.V. show : ) Happy SHORT Thursday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If You've Been Absent...

A quick update for those of you who have been absent this week. This week, we've been learning about characterization and how to make inferences about characters in stories/novels. If you have been absent, here's what your need to do:
1) Get the notes about Characterization (Assignment 3) from a classmate or from Ms. D during lunch/advisory.
2) Read the excerpt from the short story, "Where are you going? Where have you been?" and complete the Characterization Chart.
3) See Ms. D. for a characterization chart for your specific novel and complete that ASAP.
4) Keep reading your novel!!!

Visit the HOMEWORK PAGE to get the excerpt and chart.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where are you going?

Hey Everyone!
An excellent job today in class - especially with the "Do Now." I was VERY impressed with both periods : )  As promised, if you would like to read the full story, "Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?" you can follow this link: Where are you going?

Let me know what you think of the story by posting a comment! (Remember: Keep it clean and school appropriate! )

Have a great day!

Friday, September 7, 2012

One week down, 35 more to go...

Hey Guys,
Congrats on completing your first week of high school! The first week is never my favorite - it's always a little awkward dealing with schedule changes, text book pick-up and getting to know one another. However, I feel like we have been pretty productive. Here are just a few of the things we accomplished this week in English class:
1) Met a bunch of new people;
2) Wrote a poem;
3) Got our Student Use Agreements signed;
4) Met with our reading groups and selected our novels for the new unit (starting on MONDAY);
5) Picked up our text books;
6) Started our Article of the Week.

Well done!!! Everyone take the next two days off - I think you've earned it ; ) For Monday, please remember to bring a spiral notebook and your novel to class with you.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

An Awesome day of poetry!

Hi All,
Well, hopefully, I'll get to give out more candy tomorrow than  I did today. Thanks to those of you who checked the blog yesterday!!!  The NEW secret password for tomorrow is, "Baby Love," in honor of my daughter : ) Please remember, WHISPER it to me at the beginning of the period and DO NOT share the secret password with other students - the point is to get everyone to visit the blog!

I really enjoyed hearing all of your poems today! There are so many creative, articulate students in both of my classes - I know this is going to be a GREAT year! A special THANKS to those of you who volunteered to read your poems first - I LOVE when students volunteer to participate!

Again, a couple of reminders:
1) If you haven't already - get your Student Use Agreement signed by your parent/guardian.
2) Make sure you have a spiral notebook and PENS by Monday.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And the Secret Password is...

Hi Everyone!
Sorry - I am a little late posting today... OK, here's the deal: Tomorrow, on your way into class WHISPER the secret password, "Boomer," to me and I shall reward you with a little treat : ) Please, DO NOT share the secret password with other students - the point is to get everyone to visit the blog!

Another great day in class today - everyone worked really hard on their poems. Tomorrow, we will be sharing our poems with the class and I will be putting you into your reading groups for our "Reading the Novel" unit.

Again, a couple of reminders:
1) If you haven't already - get your Student Use Agreement signed by your parent/guardian.
2) Make sure you have a spiral notebook and PENS by Monday.
3) Friday we will going to the library to check out our text books - you will need your schedules and student ID cards.

Happy Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day

It was so great to meet everyone today - I think this is going to be a GREAT year! I am busily reading your letters and looking forward to getting to know everyone a little bit better.

A couple of reminders:
1) Get your Student Use Agreement signed tonight!!!
2) Make sure you have a spiral notebook and PENS for class.

Visit the PLHS Homework page for copies of the class syllabus and the Student Use Agreement.

PLUS - If anyone feels like doing a good deed and helping a teacher in need (of supplies), I could really use reams of copy paper, boxes of Kleenex and bottles of hand sanitizer. Thanks!!!

Hope everyone had a great first day!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome to PLHS!

A big WELCOME to my new 9th graders! I am so excited to meet you and get to know you over this next year! We are going to be learning a lot, working hard and having a lot of fun together. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about English class or about PLHS. Best of luck to you this first week of school!