Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Creating Conflict

Hey All,
Please complete the following tasks in class today.

1) Finish your Character Questionnaires. After you are done the questionnaire in Word, you should save the information THEN drag/drop the file into your Google Drive. After you have moved the file into Google Drive, make sure to share the document with me (

2) Once you are finished with your Character Questionnaire, you will be moving on to create the main conflict in your novel. Please take the following steps to do that:
  • Take out your English notebook and review your class notes on conflict.
  • Open your Google Drive and go into the folder I shared with you, "English 1, 2 (View Only)."
  • In that folder, you will find a document entitled "Creating_Conflict."
  • To type directly on the form, you must go to “file,” then “download.” A copy should open in Microsoft Word. 
  • Save the Word document as: period lastname conflict
  • Once the document has been saved onto your desktop you should be able to type directly onto the form. 
  • Complete the questions about the conflict in your novel.
  • When you are done, hit "SAVE." Only then should you drag the file into your Google Drive and share the document with me. (
Both of these tasks need to be completed by Friday.  We will NOT be working on the computers in class tomorrow as we will be reading the Article of the Week.  SO, whatever you do not finish in class today, is HOMEWORK.

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