Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Please complete the following tasks in class today.

1. If you still DO NOT have a Gmail account, sign up for one here.  Then, fill out this Student Data Form.

2.  Go into your Google Drive and make sure that you can see the “view only” folder that I have shared with you. If you can’t see it, I don't have your correct Gmail address; go back to task #1. If you can see the folder, read the document that is in the folder. It's an example of a book review -- you'll be writing similar reviews about your independent reading books using Goodreads. Your first book review will be due on Wednesday, October 31st.
  • If you have NOT set up a Goodreads account, please do so now. Remember to write down your password and log-on information.
3. You will now set up the document that you will be using to write your novel. Follow these steps:
  • Go back to your Google Drive
  • Create a new Google Document
  • Name it in the following way: period lastname assignment
    • For example, if I was in period one, my document would be titled 1 Davenport NaNoWriMo 
    • Make sure there is a space after the period number
  • Share the document with me:
  • Un-check the box that asks if you want to send me email notification that you've shared a document with just crams my inbox! 
  • Be sure to give me editing rights - this should already be the default selection.
4. Hopefully, you've been thinking about the novel you are going to be writing. That means you should have an idea (however vague) about a main character and possibly other supporting characters and an antagonist. Start by going into your Google Drive and opening the shared folder "English 1, 2." Inside that folder is the Character Questionnaire. Follow the directions below to download the questionnaire. Then, complete the answer the questions on the questionnaire for your protagonist, antagonist and at least one supporting character.

  •  Review the information on characters, then fill out the character questionnaires. 
  • To type directly on the form, you must go to “file,” then “download.” A copy should open in Microsoft Word.Save the document onto your desktop. Now, you should be able to type directly on the form
  • When you are done, save it into your Google Drive and share the document with me. Name the document: period lastname questionnaire.

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