Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Keep Working...

Hey Guys,
Please complete the following tasks today in class:

1) I want your Google Drive to be properly organized before we start NaNoWriMo.
  • Go back to your Google Drive
  • Create a new folder in "My Drive" entitled, English 1-2
  • Drag your NaNoWriMo document  and Character Questionnaire into this folder.
    • The NaNoWriMo document should be blank, and that's OK.
    • Please double check that you named your documents in the following way: period lastname assignment
      • For example, if I was in period one, my document would be titled 1 Davenport NaNoWriMo or 1 Davenport Questionnaire
      • PLEASE USE THIS EXACT FORMATTING - Variations like P.1 Davenport NanoWriMo or 1 J. Davenport NaNoWriMo are not acceptable. Rename your docs if necessary.
  • Remember to share both documents with me. My Gmail address is: jdavenportplhs@gmail.com
    • When you share PLEASE uncheck the email notification - I don't need two dozen emails jamming up my inbox : )
2)  If you started the Character Questionnaire yesterday, it should hopefully, be saved in your Google Drive or on your desktop. Open the document and continue working.

3. If you haven't started the Character Questionnaire yet, follow these directions: Go into your Google Drive and open the shared folder "English 1, 2." Inside that folder is the Character Questionnaire. Follow the directions below to download the questionnaire. Then, complete the answer the questions on the questionnaire for your protagonist, antagonist and at least one supporting character.
  •  Review the information on characters, then fill out the character questionnaires. 
  • To type directly on the form, you must go to “file,” then “download.” A copy should open in Microsoft Word.Save the document onto your desktop. Now, you should be able to type directly on the form
  • When you are done, save it into your Google Drive and share the document with me. Name the document: period lastname questionnaire.

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