Monday, June 3, 2013

Final Exam Review

You final exam is scheduled for Monday. The exam will be very similar to the partner quiz we took a few weeks ago. You will be reading two speeches and answering a series of multiple choice questions, followed by an essay question. In order to prepare for the exam, I suggest the following:
  1. Review your notes on persuasive techniques and rhetorical appeals. You can also view the power point by clicking HERE.  You should be able to define and identify all of the rhetorical devices we learned including: ethos, pathos, logos, emotive language, anecdote, hyperbole, allusion, analogy, alliteration, repetition, rhetorical question, figurative language, bandwagon, and testimonial. You should also be familiar with the elements of a persuasive composition such as: claim, subclaim, evidence, explanation of evidence, opposing viewpoint, and counterarguement.  
  2. Reviewing the partner quiz is an excellent way to prepare for the final. The correct answers are highlighted in yellow. Think about why each answer is correct and why the other answers are incorrect. 

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