Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Letter Proposal

 Have you chosen a topic for your persuasive letter yet? If not, you MUST do so today! Remember, you will need to create a claim that takes a position on a debatable issue regarding public education.

Examples of strong claims:
  • Schools need to provide healthy, nutritious lunches to students in order to combat childhood obesity and improve concentration in class.
  • Homework should be eliminated so that students have ample time for exercise, socialization, and proper sleep.
  • Student athletes should be drug tested in schools in order to both protect their health and prevent cheating and unfair advantages.
Examples of weak claims:
  • I think bullying is bad and kids should stop it. (This is not a debatable issue. EVERYONE agrees that bullying is bad. This claim offers no possible solution.)*
  • I think we shouldn't have homework because it sucks and no one likes it. (This claim needs to improve its academic language! Also, the reasoning behind the claim is weak and biased.)*
  • I believe that schools should have healthier food, but also have some junk food because everyone needs to splurge once in a while. (This claim doesn't take a clear side on the issue. Choose ONE side to argue for.) *
 ** All three of these weak claims begin with an "I" phrase - I think, I believe. This is NOT necessary! Since you are writing the letter, it is obvious to your reader this is something you think or believe.

Once you have created your claim, please complete the following FORM so that I can review your work. All sections of this form must be completed by the end of the day on Friday - sooner, if possible.

After completing the form, revisit the articles relating to your issue and start taking notes on important facts/statistics/expert opinion etc. that you will use as evidence to support your claims.


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