Thursday, March 14, 2013

Summarizing Your Own Article

Hi Guys,
Today you are going to be selecting your own article to read and summarize. Below are a list of acceptable news websites. Your article MUST come from one of the sites listed below.  The article should be medium length, with enough information and detail to write an interesting summary. Once you select an article, write your summary paragraph in Google Drive and include a link to your article. You should name your Google document: Period LastName Summary (ex. 1 Davenport Summary). Once you have completed the summary, share your document with  me using my Gmail address,

Choose your article from the following list of  news sites:
PBS News Hour Extra
NBC News
CBS News
BBC World News
New York Times
San Diego Union Tribune

After you have selected an article, I would recommend the following:
  1. Read the article through from beginning to end;
  2. Read the article a second time and take notes on important points you want to include in your summary.  
  3. Use the planning template below to write your summary.

A. Identify the text

B. Choose a strong verb

C. Add the central idea

In the article, "_________," by_____________, the author...


____________ by _____________
advises          compares
describes       explains
identifies        illustrates
suggests         presents
Write the main idea as a phrase and attach it to the end of the topic sentence.
Paraphrased Details:
  • According to the author…
  • The author states that... 
  • The author points out...
  • The text states… 
  •  For example….
  • Additionally / Also/ Then / Finally...
Concluding statement:
  • Ultimately, ______ is conveying…
  • _________ emphasizes that…
  • In conclusion, __________ suggests...

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