Thursday, February 28, 2013

On Demand Essay Friday

Hi Guys,
There were quite a number of you absent today which is unfortunate because we spent time in class preparing for the on demand essay that you will be writing in class tomorrow (Friday).  The essay prompt, graphic organizer and poems can be accessed HERE - they have been placed in the "View Only" folder on Google Drive. If you were absent, I strongly suggest that you spend some time reading the poems and completing the graphic organizer prior to class on Friday. EVERYONE will be expected to write this essay in class, regardless of whether you were in class on Thursday or not.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CC Essay Due Thursday!

Hey Guys,
So, as you know, your compare/contrast essay is due on THURSDAY. Remember, as we discussed in class today, your essay needs to be in MLA format which looks something like this:

If you missed the notes in class, visit THIS LINK for the MLA formatting guidelines. See the section on "Paper Format/General Guidelines."  Also, in case you missed it, I have put the "Editing and Revising Your Work" checklist in the View Only folder on Google Drive. You can also access it by clicking HERE.

Another reminder: Your 3rd Book Review is due on FRIDAY. Please submitt it to me via Google Drive.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Student Work Samples / Revising Your Work

Hi Guys,

If you plan to revise your response paragraph for the the most recent writing prompt, please have a look at the student writing samples and the teacher commentary that follows for ideas on how you can improve your writing. The student samples are in the "View Only" folder in Google Drive and can also be access by clicking HERE. It would be painfully obvious if you copied the student samples, so please don't. When you are finished revising your work, please staple your original assignment and your revised work together and drop them the in box marked "Resubmissions," before or after class.

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Storyboarding "Cask of Amontillado"

Hey Guys,
Looks like a lot of you are sick right now so I wanted to inform you of our current assignment so you don't fall behind. Today, students began creating storyboards for "The Cask of Amontillado." For this assignment, imagine you are going to direct a film version of "Cask."  What would the setting look like? What types of camera shots / angles would you use? What dialogue would the characters say? What music or sound effects would you include? How would the scene be lit? You can find the assignment in the "View Only" folder on Google Drive or by clicking HERE. Be creative and feel free to use colors to enhance your work.

Please complete this assignment and have it with you when you return to class.