Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi Guys,
First, I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving break and enjoy spending some quality time with your friends/family. I want to remind you, once again, of the importance of working on your novels over the break. By the end of the break, when we return on Monday 11/26, you should have 85% of your novel completed. If you do not work on this assignment over the break, you are going to be VERY behind, and will be setting yourself to fail - to not reach your word count goal.

So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! keep working on your novels!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This Week...

Hi Class,
OK, only four more days to go until Thanksgiving break! With that said, we have a lot to accomplish this week.

1) Dialogue quiz tomorrow! Review your notes on dialogue or view the Dialogue Power Point to prepare for the quiz.

2) Our 2nd novel progress check will be on Friday. You need to have 50% of your novel completed by Friday.  If you're already there - keep going! The more you get done now, the more you can relax over the break.

Keep up the good work!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Progress Check - TOMORROW!

Hi Guys,
This is just a reminder that your first progress check is tomorrow. By Friday you should have completed 25% of your novel. If that seems like a lot, remember we only have a month (4 weeks) to write an entire novel!

Remember: Update your word count validator (under "Edit Novel Info")  on the NaNoWriMo website by the end of the day tomorrow, 11:59p.m. That's how I plan to check your progress and award you points. If you don't update your word count validator - you will NOT get the points!

You absolutely MUST continue your writing outside of class in order to meet your word count goal! Especially since we have so many holidays this month.

Happy Writing!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekend Reminders

A couple of reminders for you:

1) ALL pre-writing work is due on Monday!

2) Keep working on your novels - write, write write! This is a standing order throughout the month of November!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Day Two - Keep Writing!

Hello Class!
It's day two of NaNoWriMo! How are you feeling? Hopefully, you've got plenty of energy and fresh ideas ready to go : ) Please complete the following tasks listed below:

1) As you know, your first book review is due today for your first independent reading novel. Please complete the following FORM in order to submit your work. This assignment is due TODAY!

2) Your assignment for the remainder of the period is to keep working on your novel. Then, when I call time, we will copy/paste ALL of the work  into the Word Count Validator on the NaNoWriMo website. Each time you update your Word Count Validator, you must paste in all of the work you've done - NOT just the new stuff.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Hi Guys,
It's the day you have all been waiting for (or dreading) - the beginning of NaNoWriMo!
  1. Go into your Google Drive and open your document entitled "NaNoWriMo" - here is where you will write your novel.
  2. Review your Beginnings assignment from yesterday and decide on a beginning. You may also want to have your plot map available.
  3. Write, write, write!  
  4. Before you leave class, log into your NaNoWriMo account HERE and go to the tab, "Edit Novel Info." Copy and paste what you wrote in class into the box "Word Count Validator." This will keep track of how much you have written and monitor your progress toward your word count goal. It will also help me keep track of your progress - so make sure to do this every day before you log off. 
    • REMEMBER - You must write your novel in Google Docs. You will only use the Word Count Validator to track your progress - it will not save your work.

Happy Writing!!!

P.S. IMPORTANT REMINDER - All pre-writing assignments are due by Monday, 11/05!!! (That's this coming Monday!)